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PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Injection: Illness-Causing-Pain Treatment

Table of Contents

  1. What is Platelet-rich Plasma Injection?
  2. How PRP Injection is Performed?
  3. Is Platelet-rich Plasma Effective?
  4. What are the Benefits of PRP Therapy?
  5. PRP Injection Side Effects
  6. Cost of Platelet-rich Plasma
  7. PRP Injection for Pain Relief


What is Platelet-rich Plasma Injection?

Just recently, more and more doctors have realized that the human body has the capability to heal itself. The platelet-rich plasma therapy harnesses the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Platelet-rich plasma injections are used to expedite the healing process of injured muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints. It practically helps the body to immensely improve and hasten the body’s musculoskeletal problems.

PRP comes from a person’s own blood. Our blood is composed of a lot of compounds and one of them is called platelets. Platelets circulate the blood and they are an important factor when it comes to blood clotting. The liquid plasma portion and the platelets are vital for the recruitment of cells, specialization, and multiplication for the healing process.

How PRP Injection is Performed?

Step 1: Blood is obtained from the patient.
Step 2: The blood will be put inside a centrifuge in order to separate the many components of the blood.
Step 3: The platelet plasma will be collected.
Step 4: The platelet plasma will then be inserted into the injured area – usually a tendon or ligament.

PRP is administered to the patient through an injection with the guidance of ultrasound during the process. After that, the patient should refrain from any strenuous activities that can affect the healing process of the injured area. A rehabilitation exercise program is usually done a few weeks after the injection.


Is Platelet-rich Plasma Effective?

Numerous studies have shown that PRP is effective in treating the following:

Achilles Tendonitis
Achilles tendonitis can happen when your Achilles tendon has been overused by playing sports that require running or repeated jumping.


Tennis elbow (Lateral epicondylitis)

About 40-50% of adult athletes who are into racquet sports have this condition. Aside from sports, it is usually caused by any activity that can repeatedly twist and flex the wrist such as using a screwdriver, carrying a briefcase or pulling weeds from your garden.


Osteoarthritis happens when the protective cartilage that serves as a cushion of your bones wears down. It usually affects your joints in your hands, knees, hips, and spine.


Rotator cuff tendonitis
Most people who experience this pain are carpenters, painters, welders, swimmers, and baseball players. They usually injure their rotator cuff by overusing it.


What are the Benefits of PRP Therapy?

Tissue healing
PRP was first used by doctors to help patients who have undergone jaw and plastic surgeries to heal.


Inflammation reduction
PRP is used to help in reducing inflammation that has been caused by osteoarthritis which can lead to the joints becoming painful and rigid.


Hair growth
Doctors use PRP to reduce the inflammation which can lead to hair loss in the future.


PRP Injection Side Effects

Patients who undergo PRP doesn’t usually have any side effects because it involves their own platelets. But, in some rare cases, some may experience pain, irritation, and bleeding in the affected area.

Cost of Platelet-rich Plasma

PRP treatments usually cost about $500 to $2,000 per session. It can vary depending on your doctor’s fee, hospital chosen or location, and facilities used. PRP treatments are usually done multiple times in a span of 2 to 3 months apart.

PRP Injection for Pain Relief

PRP can be beneficial to a lot of pain relief illnesses and even hair loss but due to lack of evidence, insurance companies do not cover PRP treatments, thus, patients who choose PRP would have to pay for the treatment out from their own pockets.

However, PRP is a great alternative to surgery. If you’re thinking about getting a PRP, Dr. Ronak Patel is a pain management specialist in New Jersey. You can call him at (609) 269 4451 to schedule an appointment with him.

Dr. Ronak Patel is the founder and medical director of Regenerative Spine and Pain Institute. He is a double board-certified anesthesiologist and pain management specialist that provides professional services in New Jersey with service areas that include Princeton, Plainsboro Township, Hamilton Township, West Windsor Township, Robbinsville Township, and Manalapan.

You may schedule a meeting at any of the Regenerative Spine and Pain Institute clinics for the treatment of back pain, neck pain, joint pain, facial pain as well as cancer-related pain. Their focus is on developing inpidualized patient treatment plans and increasing patient functionality.


Disclaimer: Information on this website is not intended to be used in place of your professional medical advice or treatment. Please consult your doctor or healthcare provider with any questions regarding a medical condition.

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